Papers on Gender and Sexuality
Our femynyst sensibilities are all with empowering the oppressed
sex workers, but Cherry's "early-meat-market"
presentation left us gasping. Can kitsch and schlock save a
movement that Cixous and Kristeva couldn't? Have we traded
Holy-womb theory for the Hollywoo(ed) diva-eyed and conquer?
If this is progress, we'll take shrill. |
Now we know why we always thought those role-playing guys were weird: they are weird. It may have been a good paper, too, if not for the fact that it degenerated into die rolling to determine if various characters could "make it" with the "Sexbot." Oh, no, sorry: that was the paper. |
With the advent of Out and The Advocate and, less interestingly, the blinding success of Will and Grace, Bravo, and Tom Cruise, gay has never been so much a synonym for "happy" - at least if you're in advertising. The homosexual subtext of the Peanut Buster Parfait™ was lost on me, but the Redcrosse Knight as a purveyor of a "rough trade" form of justice makes me wonder if maybe Judas was just another spurned lover. |
Liberation has never felt so wet and love never so lost and
insensate. What's the sign for "you go, girl"
in ASL? |
As the Cult of the Gynuine continues to deteriorate, our idea
of what a "real" womyn may be disintegrates into
a miasma of stitches and silicone. But Roberts doesn't
go far enough: the Beauty Myth is no more a locked box: it's
now po-mo torture chamber bent on fem dis-member-men-t. This
is male fantasy as in-human-ity. The Botox shot demonstration
must have been pricey: next time, she should save her cash for
a new pink Corvette–or better yet, donate it to a battered
womyn's dream shelter. |
A "hump like a snowhill"? A "peg leg"? Fiction is wish-fulfillment, and for these beggars, that's all they've got to ride. Stamen gives new meaning to "bibliophile" - though we question his units, but then meters are not our métier. |