The only thing that lasts longer than polyester is trash culture as high culture, as the underwear-optional socialite set continues to prove. Gibb-Johnston takes that complaint a step further as she exposes a variety of fashion trends, from deely-boppers to legwarmers, that refuse to go away. This PowerPoint felt a little bit like watching an episode of Sex in the City directed by John Waters. |
Jong is back with another thought-provoking look
at what goes on between the covers—both hard and paperback.
The demonstration of Lesbizon online bookseller's new Kindling
electronic book was enlightening, but the corseted back-up singers
were a little much despite what they did with the "writing"
crops. |
Hurst's microfiche-driven presentation revealed
nothing about the involvement of the press in the Spanish-American
war or ousting the machine politics of Tammany Hall. Rather,
Hurst literally shows that within the columns of turn-of-the-last
century newspapers could be found hidden crosswords, connect-the-dot
patterns, and, naturally, "It" girl paper dolls. For
an audience jaundiced on scandal, it was a pleasant surprise,
but why did we get the blunted non-dangerous scissors to cut
out our own mimeographed Clara Bow? |
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With the Supreme Court's recent decision to uphold a law banning even the appearance of children in sexual situations, classic works from Romeo and Juliet to Lolita appear to be in danger of disappearing from American society altogether. Flack's irreverent, satirical paper presented the high court's hypocrisy (Clarence Thomas/Long Dong Silver reference, anyone?) as a raunchy burlesque review. But the point was well taken: sure you may know it when you see it, but do you trust Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Kennedy to do the same? |
In a follow-up paper to Flack's, Tokenblurb exposed just how bitterly partisan the court has become through the metaphor of the lives of 17th and 18th Century Atlantic privateers. The canon were loud, but the message was deafening: after decades of tracking starboard, it's time to take the ship of state back to port. |
Tasked with both determining guilt or innocence and meting out justice, what's an otherwise peace-loving supernatural Rastafarian to do? This is only one of the deep questions posed by periodicals and graphic novels of the new Caribbean avant-garde according to Bust, whose careful intertwining of academic analysis and THC-enhanced spirituality liberated us all by mere contact. |
Tastier, if not toastier, was Bunny Crocker's ethno-culinary discourse on the nexus of down-home island eating and modern packaging techniques. Swanson's frozen jerk-chicken? It's on the way, mon. The meanings fade, but the spices remain piquant on the theoretical tongue. |