Drosophilus's great triumph was the way her color-wheel visual
aid electrolysized itself into being before our very eyes. Her
attempt to write the whole paper using only the letters A, C,
T, and G was a bit less of a success and wheeled us off to a
place of puzzlement, but maybe that was her point. |
We were, amazingly for a family train, allowed to let the presentation of this paper proceed as planned. With high-speed Internet and HDTV quickly becoming one and the same, and old habits dying very hard indeed, Weil asserts the living room, like our conference room, will eventually become just as smut-filled as our offices are today. For anyone who has taken a basic biology class, this stuff is wholly old hat—but it'll never let us just lounge on the couch. Peering deep inside the womb of tomorrow reveals a reproduction of today, only with a glossier glisten of juicy detail. |
Lo-Han tackles the problem of actually reaching an audience
with an attention span of--. Wait. Wha? No, I'm totally
writing this; I just need to answer this text real quick. |
Sure, George W. Bush said all the right things about feeling bad for the dead soldiers and all that blah, blah, blah, but his fratboy posturing at the podium said otherwise. Likewise, Obama's rolled-sleeves evince a subtle, mocking unwillingness to do anything other than throw money at the collapsing economy. Friedman is able to point out what the sound-bite era refuses to acknowledge: wondrous words wimple in the wind blown off the slopes of the slouching shoulders of the set-for-life. |
Just as our language has become over apostrophe'd, our speech has melted into basically one, single consonant, as written confusion between "then" and "than" evinces time and again. By projecting actual student errors on a SmartBoard and correcting them along with us, Ukaka turned us all into Holy Warriors of the Diction Brigade. The only thing lacking was a rousing rendition of "Kumbaya." |