The Mainly Annual EastWesterly Review / Postmodern Village Conference 2010

Notes on the 17th Annual Postmodern Village Conference

By T.S. DeHaviland

Liz T. CraigsEconotation: Surviving Troubled Times Through the Subtleties of Online Barter
by Liz T. Craigs

The live exemplification proved her thesis: I bartered a sack of saucisse au poivre for a damn good bottle of a local Sylvaner. But if internet trades are really the future of commerce, how can I convince my ISP to take my art-college pocket-lint sculptures as payment for my bill?

Paul A. B'DulCissy King, On the Fringe: Sartorial Meaning-Making in Popular Dance
by Paul A. Bdula

Keeping up the swingin' theme of this year's conference, B'Dul's analysis shimmied its way into our hearts by linking the dance maven's wardrobe to contemporary events. But if black crinoline really marked the nation's mourning of the assassination of MLK, and if puffs of lime-green fuzz on Cissy's top told us it was okay to party again in the '70s, how are we to know ourselves now that she's adorned in grandmotherly simplicity? Where's Bobby to help us jitterbug our way through this long slog of political retrograde?

Sisyphus Uncle Rebus: Iconography, Semiotics, and the Politcs of Griopression
by Sisyphus "Retread" Jones

Jones' creation of "The Glammy Mammy" through digital morphing of Al Jolson, Hattie McDaniel, Mrs. Butterworth, and Halle Berry gave graphic punch to his always cogent prose. But the shocker was when the screen made its final shift: to the Tea Party's Obama-as-the-Joker image. It's story, but it's hardly folky.

Wüt N. TwissleFlea to The Hills: Bass-line Lessons in La-La Land
by Wüt N. Twissle

Twissle rocked our bootayz with a thumping thesis: the City of Angels now contains America's foundational myth, and reality TV is its apotheosis. At bottom, it is irrefutable, but are we really that desperate to believe?

Brady UlruchThe Heidi Montards: Reality TV, Cosmetic Surgery and America's Idiocy Epidemic
by Brady Ulruch

A mindless showing of surgery highlights: Teresa Guidice getting her "bubbies," the Botox party in Orange County, Heidi Montag before and after. Uh, wasn't there supposed to be some commentary? Afterwards, the attendees complained in the lobby and took to various social networking sites to express their irritation. Ulruch stuck his head out in the lobby and said, "That's my point." My friend from kindergarten thinks he's full of it, but this woman I once met in a bar isn't so sure.

Mar Mott-StaufferHyper-Vole: the Enhanced Evolution of Woodland Mammals through the Unnatural (S)Election of Crowd-Sourced Decision-Making, an Economics of Randomized Hate
by Mar Mott-Stauffer

In theory, the wisdom of the crowd makes the best decisions—you know, like it did with the housing market. And the creation of the Tea Party. And the popularity of Jersey Shore. But the stout Mott-Stauffer was not deterred by these stats and unleashed a cage full of uber-rodents on the crowd, cowing us into admitting acceptance of the notion.


Papers, Part 5