Huxley Library Reference Chat Transcripts

Compiled by Seamus Lennon and Miki Lang

Issue 14 * Summer 2004

Chat 9: All your questions are belong to us.

-- AnGeLbAbY is chatting with operator ZeroWing --

ZeroWing> All your questions are belong to us.

AnGeLbAbY> What? I need to know what laws there are about opening a day care center in my home.

ZeroWing> Someone set us up the one moment please.

AnGeLbAbY> Okay.

ZeroWing> Someone set you up the DHE (Dept of Health and Environment) Homepage.

AnGeLbAbY> Riiight.

ZeroWing> All your daycare are belong to us. All your answers are belong to us. All your anything else? are belong to us.

AnGeLbAbY> Yeah, thanks. I think.

ZeroWing> Someone set us up the goodbye.

-- chat terminated by AnGeLbAbY --

Chat 1: Girls Gone Wild
Chat 2: The break-up
Chat 3: Just the facts, ma'am
Chat 4: Romeo and Juliet
Chat 5: God mode
Chat 6: Car shopping
Chat 7: Big Pimp
Chat 8: Eisenhower
Chat 9: All your questions are belong to us.
Chat 10: Spinach dip